hidges — an exploration of art & language

This project was produced during my Sophomore year at NYU as a member of the Liberal Studies Dean's Circle. Our theme for the year was the 1913 Armory Show and the art movements to which it was related. 

Deeply inspired by Gertrude Stein and the visuoliterary art of the Futurist (primarily Russian Futurist) Movement, I sought to bridge a gap between the Steinian narrative — a written parallel to the avant-garde of the period — and the Futurist poets (Aleksei Kruchenykh, Iliazd Zdanevich, etc.), while interpreting these connections from the perspectives of Old and Modern English. 

This artwork was presented at the Liberal Studies Annual Colloquium on March 29th, 2013. I worked extensively during the entire academic year to research, write, translate, and design each hidge, all of which culminated in a hand-bound chapbook as my final product. Each hidge took approximately 5 hours from inception to completion. 

Hidges created using Photoshop and Illustrator. Handbound. Thanks to Susanna Horng, Eugene Ostashevsky, Suzanne Menghraj, and my peers, all of whom helped immensely. Click through below to read the chapbook in its entirety.